Armando N. Meier

About Me

Assistant professor of economics (tenure track), University of Basel.
Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. Previously Principle Researcher at the University of Chicago, Senior Research Fellow (permanent position) and Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Fellow at the University of Lausanne.

Research interests:
Health, Labor, Behavioral, and Public Economics

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Ola Andersson (Uppsala), Michael Baltensperger (Zurich), Douglas Bernheim (Stanford), Demid Getik (Lund), Jonathan Levav (Stanford), Joachim Marti (Lausanne), Stephan Meier (Columbia), Pol-Campos Mercade (Copenhagen), Ziad Obermeyer (Berkeley), Reto Odermatt (Basel), Devin Pope (Chicago), Collin Raymond (Cornell), Lukas Schmid (Lucerne), Florian Schneider (Zurich), Alois Stutzer (Basel), Kevin Volpp (UPenn), Roberto Weber (Zurich), Erik Wengström (Lund)

Selected news coverage: BBC World News, Washington Post, The Economist, BBC Radio, The Times, Swiss Radio and Television incl. 19h30 (German, French, Italian), Swedish National Radio and Television, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, 24 heures, Marginal Revolution, Chicago Booth Review